Some may have seen my recent heart-felt post on Instagram and the FaceBlog about October marking the one year anniversary for BECKLEY & CO. This is a huge milestone because it marks the day I allowed myself to take photography more seriously and pursue a new career.

Not only was this year about building my photography business, but it was also about getting to know the creative community that we are so lucky to have here in the DFW metroplex. There have been so many wonderful people that I have met simply by doing what I love. One of these lovely people invited me out recently to watch a live taping of The Fame at the Rustic featuring local bloggers Dallasites101 and Culture Nugget


An absolute perfect way to spend a Monday evening - catching up with friends, meeting new people, finding out the face behind the cutest dog-insta ever (@thecharlieconnection if you were wondering)


We sipped, we 'grammed, and we laughed about how it's nearly approaching daunting how many events there are in Dallas now. What with the parking and the crowds... and getting older and just wanting to stay in with the new puppy...

The Fame airs Saturdays on TXA-120 at 8:30 am, but I am partial to watching the filming Monday nights at The Rustic at 7:00 pm!
